Faculty Research Interests
Bonini, Vincent
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Interests: Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Conformal Geometry and Mathematical Relativity
Borzellino, Joe
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Interests: Riemannian geometry, differential topology of orbifolds
Brussel, Eric
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Interests: Algebraic geometry, cohomology, and division algebras
Camp, Charles D.
Ph.D. CalTech
Interests: Geophysical fluid dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, climate change, mathematical modeling, data analysis techniques
Champney, Danielle
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Interests: Undergraduate mathematics education, students' use of images in mathematical sense-making, ongoing teacher preparation and education, faculty professional development
Charalampidis, Stathis
Ph.D. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Interests: Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis of ODEs and PDEs, Nonlinear Waves
Choboter, Paul
Ph.D. University of Alberta
Interests: Geophysical fluid dynamics, coastal ocean modeling
Dimitrova, Elena
Ph.D. Virginia Tech
Interests: Mathematical Biology, Polynomial Maps over Finite Fields, Computational Algebra
Easton, Rob
Ph.D. Stanford University
Interests: Algebraic Geometry and Tropical Geometry
Grundmeier, Todd
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
Interests: Mathematical problem posing and problem solving, pre-service teacher education, in-service professional development, undergraduate mathematics education
Gasiorek, Sean
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Interests: Mathematical billiards, celestial mechanics, dynamical systems, electricity and magnetism, and mathematical physics
Gu, Caixing
Ph.D. Indiana University, Bloomington
Interests: Operator theory, matrix analysis, system and control theory
Hamilton, Emily
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Interests: Low-dimensional topology, hyperbolic geometry, geometric group theory
Kaul, Anton
Ph.D. Oregon State University
Interests: Geometric group theory
Kirk, Colleen
Ph.D. Northwestern University
Interests: Integral equations and nonlinear partial differential equations, with applications to combustion and quenching problems
Liese, Jeffrey
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Interests: Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics
Lin, Joyce
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Interests: Applied math, math modeling, math biology, geophysical fluid dynamics
Medina, Elsa
Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado
Interests: Mathematics education
Mendes, Anthony
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Interests: Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics
Orson, Patrick
Ph.D. University of Edinburgh
Interests: Geometric topology, low-dimensional topology, knot theory, surgery theory.
Paquin, Dana
Ph.D. Stanford University
Interests: Medical imaging, mathematical modeling, number theory, convex optimization, representation theory
Pearse, Erin
Ph.D. University of California, Riverside
Interests: Curvature and measurability questions for self-similar fractal sets, especially volume formulas for tubular neighborhoods. As well as large networks, including boundary representations for infinite graphs and the use of graph-theoretic techniques for analysis of large data sets, with applications to missing data.
Retsek, Dylan
Ph.D. Washington University, St. Louis
Interests: Complex analysis, functional analysis and composition operators
Richert, Ben
Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Interests: Commutative algebra: free resolutions, the extremal behavior of Hilbert functions and (graded) Betti numbers, generic behavior, Gorenstein rings
Riley, Kate
Ph.D. Montana State University, Bozeman
Interests: Subject matter and pedagogical knowledge necessary for prospective teachers to become master teachers; undergraduates' conceptual knowledge in mathematical proof; how technology enhances the learning of problem-solving, mathematical reasoning, and proof
Schinck-Mikel, Amelie
Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Interests: Socio-cultural issues in mathematics education, teacher education, language and mathematics learning, problem solving
Shapiro, Jonathan
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Interests: Operator theory, complex analysis, and functional analysis
Sherman, Morgan
Ph.D. Columbia University
Interests: Complex and differential geometry, PDEs
Stankus, Mark
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Interests: Operator theory, noncommutative Groebner basis, system engineering, computer science
Street, Ciera
Ph.D. Colorado State University
Interests: Undergraduate mathematics education, equity, mathematical identity, values, affect, and sense of belonging
Sze, Lawrence
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Interests: Combinatorics and number theory
Tully-Doyle, Ryan
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Interests: Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Functional Analysis