Students Say It's 'Absolutely Amazing to Be Back in Person'
Fall 2021 brought a return to in-person classes. Department club presidents reflect on the positive effects for the community of math majors.
Trinity Kobielusz, Math Club President
“It has been absolutely amazing to be back in person because it has allowed me to reconnect with old friends and also make new friends. I have enjoyed not sitting in front of a computer for all hours of the day and actually being able to talk to my peers in my classes. My level of stress has decreased, and I have been able to manage my time better. Attendance has significantly increased for Math Club since coming back in person. Everyone is eager to be involved and excited to come to our meetings.”
Adrienne Boone, Association for Women in Mathematics Club President
“I switched to the math major during the online spring 2020 quarter. As a result, my classes last year were filled with virtual strangers, so the absolute best part of being back has been getting to know the people outside of the computer! I’ve been able to do things I love with people who I love being around. Whether we’re having fun at the beach or stressing out in the math lounge, I don’t take any of it for granted anymore.
I am especially proud that the Association for Women in Mathematics Club has fostered such a supportive and welcoming environment despite the limitations of the pandemic. Running the club with four other amazing women has solidified my confidence and my love for mathematics. Our bi-weekly meetings and various events have introduced our members to inspiring speakers and provided a space for math-loving people of all identities and backgrounds to feel celebrated and heard. I am so grateful for the community I’ve found in mathematics, and I’m so excited for that community to grow next year.”
Networking and Career Opportunities
The return to campus also gave students unique opportunities to network and seek career advice from local companies. On Dec 1, the operations coordinator, Danielle Borelli, and a recent graduate from the California Cybersecurity institute came to visit. In January, the two Directors, Kim O’Neill and Dmytro Marushkevych, from the Data Science & Analytics Group of Razorfish came to give a talk to the math majors.