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Publications, Grants and Awards 2016-17


A. Bertram and R. Easton. "The tropical Nullstellensatz for congruences." Advances in Mathematics. 308 (2016) 36-82, DOI 10.1016/j.aim.2016.12.004.

J. Borzellino and V. Brunsden. “On the notions of suborbifold and orbifold embedding.” Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 15 (5)(2015) 2789-2803.

E. Brussel, K. McKinnie and E. Tengan. “Cyclic length in the tame Brauer group of the function field of a p-adic curve.” American Journal of Mathematics. 138(2)(2016) 251-286.

C. Gu. “Algebraic properties of Cauchy singular integral operators on the unit circle.” Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. 20 (1) (2016) 161-189.

C. Gu. “Reducing subspaces of weighted shifts with operator weights.” Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society. 53 (5) (2016) 1471-1481.

C. Gu, M. Chō and W. Y. Lee. “Elementary properties of infinity - isometries on a Hilbert space.” Linear Algebra and its Applications. 511 (2016) 378-402.

C. Gu, I.S. Huang, D. Kang and W. Y. Lee. “Normal singular Cauchy integral operators with operator-valued symbols.” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 447 (1) (2017) 289-308.

E. Hamilton. “Double coset separability of abelian subgroups of hyperbolic n-orbifold groups.” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 144(6) (2016) 2327–2336.

G. Kato. “Topos Theoretic Approach to Space and Time.” Space, Time and the Limits of Human Understanding. Springer, 2017.

J. Liese, B. Miceli and J. Remmel. “Connection coefficients between generalized rising and falling factorial bases.” Annals of Combinatorics. 19(2)(2015) 337-361.

A. Mendes and M. Romero. “A note on the kth tensor product of the defining representation.” Journal of Combinatorics. 7(4)(2016) 715-724.

B. Richert. “A proof of Evans’ convexity conjecture.” Communications in Algebra. 43(8)(2015) 3275-3281.

K. Falk, T. Jäger, M. Keßeböhmer, J. Rademacher and T. Samuel, ed. Diffusion on Fractals and Non-linear Dynamics: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S. 10 (2017).

R. Veeraraghavan, J. Lin, J. P. Keener, R. G. Gourdie and S. Poelzing. “Potassium Channels in the Cx43 Gap Junction Perinexus Modulate Ephaptic Coupling: An Experimental and Modeling Study.” Pflüger's Archiv - European Journal of Physiology. Aug 11 (2016) 1651-1661.

Invited Talks

Tony Samuel gave two invited talks at the University of Bremen: “Continuity of entropy in one-dimensional Lorenz maps” and “Quasicrystals, Jarník sets and spectral metrics.” Samuel will conduct research at the Mittag Leffler Institute in Swededn in fall 2017.

Joe Borzellino traveled to Krakow, Poland, in fall 2016 to work with collaborator Tomek Rybicki of AGH University of Science and Technology and, while in Poland, attended the 50th Session of the Seminar Sophus Lie at the Mathematical Research and Science Center in Będlewo.

Joyce Lin traveled to Atlanta, Ga., for the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January 2017 to give an invited talk in the American Mathematical Society Special Session on Mathematics in Physiology and Medicine. Undergraduates Sidney Arthofer, Jeffrey Lee, Jojo Brooker, Nolan Schock, Kevin Sum and Caroline Yovanovich also attended.


Joyce Lin received a joint National Science Foundation-National Institutes of Health grant to study ephaptic effects — a form of communication within the nervous system — in cardiac tissue. She will collaborate with Steven Poelzing at Virginia Tech’s Carilion Research Institute.


Kappa Alpha Theta, a women’s fraternity founded in 1870, named Danielle Champney one of ten Outstanding Faculty Award recipients following the 2015-16 school year.

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