Letter from the Chair 2022
Alumni and friends of the Mathematics Department
We’re back in the classroom! It’s been a while since that fateful day when everything went virtual, but the chalk dust is once again flying in building 38. I’m pleased to report that as of winter 2022, math courses are entirely face-to-face.
While math faculty have all become semi-expert with Zoom and other web-based content delivery methods, the main lesson we’ve learned is that online instruction is a poor substitute for good, old-fashioned, face-to-face coursework.
During the virtual experiment that COVID forced upon us, in-person courses were limited to labs and other activity-based experiences, so it wasn’t until fall 2021 that we were first allowed to return to the chalkboards. We are now near the forefront of Cal Poly departments for in-person offerings and frequently get thanked by students for going live.
The beginning of the winter quarter was difficult as each math instructor managed multiple instances of COVID-related student absences. It undoubtedly would have been easier to simply teach the quarter online, so it is a testament to the faculty’s dedication to the live Cal Poly experience that we did the extra work needed to keep our classes in the classroom.
By the time of this writing, things have stabilized nicely. All our usual activities are up and running: the undergraduate study lounge has reopened, students and faculty are traveling to research conferences, our student clubs are back in person, and we’re all looking forward to the math awards banquet and the faculty/student softball game. Hopefully spring quarter will be even smoother.
Finally, we recently conducted a search for two new tenure-track faculty members. This search, chaired by Vince Bonini was fantastically successful, and we are happy to announce that Patrick Orson and Cal Poly alumnus Sean Gasiorak will join us in the fall. Watch this space for official introductions upon their arrival next academic year.
In closing, I'd like to once again thank everyone who has supported the department financially. Your gifts have a direct impact on the quality of our program, funding many of the initiatives which are so important to the major but take place outside the classroom. We are incredibly grateful for the flexibility and opportunity provided by your generous donations.
Please keep in touch and let us know what you’ve been up to. I’m happy to once again be able to say that we'd love to see you at the department office if you're ever on campus.