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Paul Choboter

Paul Choboter


Office Phone: 805-756-5902
Office: 25-313

Office Hours


Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Alberta in 2002

Research Interests

Dr. Choboter research interests include geophysical fluid dynamics; the fundamental driving mechanisms of the oceans and atmosphere. He utilizes dynamical models and numerical simulations to learn about the dynamics of coastal ocean currents. He is an active member of Cal Poly's Center for Coastal Marine Science.


Paul Choboter is originally from Vancouver, BC, Canada. He has earned degrees from Simon Fraser University, McGill University, and the University of Alberta (Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, 2002). Before coming to Cal Poly, Paul held a postdoctoral research position at Oregon State University in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.

Paul enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. His hobbies include playing music and participating in sports like softball and soccer.

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