Ben Richert
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
May 2000, Ph.D., Mathematics. Specialty: Commutative Algebra.
Wheaton College
August 1995, B.S. Major: Mathematics/Economics.
Research Interests
Commutative Algebra: Free resolutions, the extremal behavior of Hilbert functions and (graded) Betti numbers, generic behavior, Gorenstein rings.
I enjoy proving theorems (of course!), hiking and camping with my wife and our four children, running, lifting weights, and generally being/working outside. Metal and woodworking are my newest hobbies, and these partially satiate my desire to fix and build things. I also attend a local church where I help out in any way that I can.
Current and Past Courses Taught
Fall: NA
Winter: NA
Spring: Math 341
Fall: NA
Winter: NA
Spring: Math 143
Fall: Math 143-05, Math 202, Math 248-04/05
Winter: Math 481
Spring: Math 202, Math 482
Fall: Math 143-04/06/11, Math 202
Winter: Math 143-04/07, Math 336
Spring: Math 202, Math 341
Fall: Math 142-12/16, Math 202, Math 206
Winter: Math 142-07/09, Math 336
Spring: Math 202, Math 560
Fall: Math 142-13/14, Math 202, Math 481
Winter: Math 143-07, Math 248-02/03
Spring: Math 202
Fall: Math 142-06/08, Math 202, Math 248
Winter: Math 142-15/17, Math 306
Spring: Math 202, Math 560
Fall: Math 142-04/06, Math 248
Winter: Math 143-04/16, Math 336
Spring: Math 202, Math 206
Fall: Math 202, Math 244
Winter: Math 161-03/04, Math 481
Spring: Math 482, Math 560
Fall: NA
Winter: Math 142-13/14, Math 241-01
Spring: Math 143-04/06, Math 459
Fall: Math 141-02/03, Math 248-03
Winter: Math 143-13/14
Spring: Math 341, Math 459-01/03
Fall: Math 142-13/16, Math 341-11
Winter: Math 143-06/08, Math 248
Spring: Math 233-03/04, Math 459
Fall: Math 141-13, Math 142-11
Winter: Math 142-08/25, Math 306
Spring: Math 142-11, Math 143-04/05
Fall: Math 142-11, Math 412-01/02
Winter: Math 142-02, Math 413
Spring: Math 142-01, Math 414
Fall: Math 143-02/04, Math 341
Winter: Math 241-01/02
Spring: Math 241-03, Math 459-01
Fall: Math 141-02/18 Math 306
Winter: Math 142, Math 406
Spring: Math 241
Fall: Math 141, Math 241-10/12
Winter: Math 142-12/14, Math 481
Spring: Math 437, Math 482
At the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor:
Math 116
Math 215
Math 217
Math 312
Math 412
Math 614
Math 615
A proof of Evans' convexity conjecture. Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), no. 8, 3275–3281.
Syzygies of semi-regular sequences (with Keith Pardue). Illinois J. Math. 53 (2009), no. 1, 349–364.
Lex-plus-powers ideals (with Christopher Francisco). Syzygies and Hilbert functions, 113–144, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 254, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2007.
Lower bounds for Betti numbers of special extensions (with Melvin Hochster). J. Pure Appl. Algebra 201 (2005), no. 1-3, 328–339.
Monomial ideals and n-lists. Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004), no. 2, 391–414.
A study of the lex plus powers conjecture. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 186 (2004), no. 2, 169–183.
Possible resolutions for a given Hilbert function (with E. Graham Evans). Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), no. 2, 897–906.
Smallest graded Betti numbers. J. Algebra 244 (2001), no. 1, 236–259.
Monomial ideals, N-lists, and smallest graded betti numbers. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2000. 80 pp. ISBN: 978-0599-76313-5, ProQuest LLC
Resource Links the website for the commutative algebra community